Meet Our Team

We exist to...

Help people write, publish, and monetise a book, so that they create success at a personal and global scale

With experience since 2010, nearly 1000 authors helped, we are Australia’s leading book publishing mentors. We take our clients from a place of being confused and fearful to a place of clarity and confidence.

Book Publishing Mentors Australia

Natasa Denman

CEO & Founder

Natasa’s WHY: To give women courage so that they become independent self-made millionaires.

Natasa Denman is The Ultimate 48 Hour Author. A highly sought-after key-note speaker (CSP accredited), coach, and mentor, Natasa is a 14-time published author and creator of the game-changing business model, ‘Ultimate 48 Hour Author’. She has helped over 850 coaches, speakers, spiritualists, health and wellness practitioners, and service-based business owners become first-time published authors.

In business since 2010, Natasa has been nominated for The Telstra Businesswoman of the Year twice and was a finalist in AusMumpreneur of the Year in Product Innovation.

Appearing in all major media outlets across Australia including The Sydney Morning Herald, The Financial Review, and The Age, Natasa is changing the way people do business in Australia and now runs a multiple 7-figure business with her husband and 3 children traveling the world spreading her message and helping small business thrive.

Since 2017, Natasa expanded Ultimate 48 Hour Author to the middle East, US, Canada and New Zealand. She has worked with authors across 15 different countries.

Her Best-Selling Book, Ultimate 48 Hour Author has been sold in 25 countries and is helping its countless readers get one step closer to writing and publishing their first book.

Stuart Denman

Co-Founder and Marketing Manager

Stuart joined Natasa in their business empire in 2012 after a career in management and training. He loves working with business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs to live a life filled with purpose, connection, and business success utilising their book which he coined their ‘business card on steroids’.

His role with Ultimate 48 Hour Author sees him working closely with the authors making their experience as comfortable and challenge-free as possible having experience with all cultures, age groups, and personality types.

With his marketing knowledge, copywriting and social media skills, Stuart helps the authors develop their brand online and build a profile that shows them as an authority leader and expert in their niche.

With his nurturing and calm, confident style, Stuart brings confidence and certainty in every step along the authors’ journey.

Stuart co-authored a book with Natasa called ‘Guilt-Free Parents’ which was released in September 2017 with rave reviews and is the modern-day guidebook for business owners navigating their way through the balancing act of being a parent and business owner.

Wendy Trevarthen

Senior Book Strategist

Wendy’s WHY: To empower people to grow so that they can achieve their highest values in life.

Wendy joined the Ultimate 48 Hour Author Team in early 2022 as the Senior Book Strategist, assisting Natasa and Stuart with strategies around author customer service and introduction into the Ultimate 48 Hour Author community.

Wendy has been through the authoring journey twice, with her publications ‘MidLife Mojo’ in 2018, a wellbeing guide for those during their midlife years, and has followed this with an anthology ‘Dear Nurse Me….Reflections’ in 2022, where she project managed and co-authored with 5 other nurses, a letter written to their younger nurse selves. She is currently writing her 3rd book.

Transitioning from a health background (Registered Nurse for 35 years), Wendy is now combining her customer service, middle management, and strategic planning skills within this new role.

A strong advocate for focussing on living life guided by personal values, Wendy strives on achievement of personal and professional goals, and imparts this focus onto others.

She looks forward to meeting our new authors and assisting them through their onboarding experience. Book a chat with Wendy here.

Emmilia O’Sullivan

Client Connection Co-Ordinator

Em’s WHY: To inspire others and show them that no matter what life throws at you, you can get through it with a positive mindset whilst still enjoying life.

Emmilia’s role involves connecting with aspiring authors and guiding them through the early stages of becoming a published author. With over 15 years of experience in Customer Service/Admin, Em is well-equipped for this role.

Despite facing numerous life-threatening medical diagnoses in her 31 years, Em remains resilient. Inspired by her experiences, she wrote a book called “I Should be F’N Dead!” during the August 2023 Ultimate 48 Hour Author retreats and had her book published by December 2023. She then became a No.1 Amazon Best Seller soon after. She believes writing the book was one of the best decisions she ever made and looks forward to future opportunities.

Em is now an integral part the Ultimate 48 Hour Author Team adding futher value to their supportive environment and effective methods in helping aspiring authors achieve their goals.

Connect with Em about your journey TODAY!

Vivienne Mason

Publications Manager

Vivi’s WHY: To give others the voice so that people feel included and supported.

Vivienne Mason (Vivi) joined the Ultimate 48 Hour Author team in January 2018 as a Publications Coordinator and was promoted to Publications Manager a year later. She is responsible in helping our authors with their book projects through the many stages of publishing.

Her experience in the book trade started in 1983 with her first job working for a large book wholesale distribution centre, typing up the buyer’s notes for all the new titles.

Since then, she furthered her career working as a Personal Assistant to the Managing Director of a large UK chain of bookstores, and later for a well-known company collecting book sales data and bestseller information for publishers.

Vivi moved with her family to Australia in 2002 from the UK and works in house alongside Natasa and Stuart Denman.

After 15 years of working in an Accounts department in Melbourne, she decided it was time to return to her love of books.

She says, ‘This is the best job I have ever had as I love working with authors, hearing their stories and helping them achieve the significant goal of writing and publishing their first book”.

She also wrote her own book ‘Onion Girl’ a memoir, in her first year with us.

Julie Fisher

Publications Coordinator

Julie’s WHY: To inspire and educate people so that the world sees the beauty in disability.

Julie Fisher (Jules) joined the Ultimate 48 Hour Author team in September 2020 as the new Publications Coordinator alongside Vivi helping our authors with their book projects through the many stages of publishing.

She began her journey with Ultimate 48 Hour Author in 2019 as one of our authors when she signed up for retreat in May 2019. After attending retreat, she had her first book The Unexpected Journey published and in hand by September 2019. This was the story about her son Darcy who lives with Down Syndrome.

Julie continued to attend Masterclasses and other events with us as well as providing testimonials regularly at our half day events when they moved online. She continued to learn all the aspects of writing a book by attending the events and went from simply writing a memoir to becoming a well-known advocate in the disability sector.

She has 18 years’ experience working in an office environment as well as 13 years’ experience in the hospitality industry where she grew in confidence with customer service.

After completing her first book, she was thrilled to be offered the opportunity of working with Ultimate 48 Hour Author as one of her first loves is with writing. She fulfilled a lifelong dream of writing her first book and now thoroughly enjoys helping others fulfill their dream of becoming an author.
Julie has also recently published her second book The Magic of Inclusion and is enjoying speaking publicly and raising awareness for her son and others that live with disability.

She says, ‘This is a dream come true working with my mentors and helping others bring their books to life. I also love the opportunity of learning more from the team and look forward to many years with them”.

Julie has also published The Magic of Inclusion, From the Hearts of Mums and is writing her 4th book whilst also being a highly paid speaker that is raising awareness for her son and others that live with disability.

Lendy Macario

Events Co-Ordinator

Lendy Macario joined Ultimate 48 Hour Author January 2016 firstly as a Virtual Assistant to Natasa Denman.

She is based in the Philippines and is a qualified lawyer having passed the Bar in 2017. Lendy works full time for Ultimate 48 Hour Author while still practicing law at other times.

Over the years, Lendy has moved up to become the Event Coordinator for Ultimate 48 Hour Author, managing lists, communication, and post-event follow up with attendees of our online and offline events. In 2019 she also started assisting Vivi around the publishing side of things. Her role now includes being a Publications Assistant.

In 2021, Lendy started being responsible in executing the Amazon #1 Best Seller campaigns for our authors. She has done this for over 100 books to date with a 100% success rate.

She is efficient, professional, and always willing and able to service our authors at lightning speed. The team went to the Philippines in 2019 to meet Lendy. She is part of this family-run business and is looking forward to visiting Australia soon.

Lendy also published her first book by co-authoring ‘Me and my VA’ with Natasa.

Ljupce Dizane

Human Resources Co-Ordinator

Ljupce (Bubzi) has been part of the team since the very beginning in a part time capacity in 2017 she left her other employment to help Natasa and Stuart build the business to the next level. Ljupce is Natasa’s mum and has been always there since the very first retreat to take care of things on the home front with the 3 children.

When she joined full time, it allowed Natasa and Stuart to go on national and international tours knowing everything will be taken care of at home. Ljupce helps out the team and the people within the author family with whatever is needed. She fulfills the postage of books and planners and shares the bookkeeping and accounting alongside Natasa.

Whatever our people and authors need, she gets it taken care of. None of this would have been possible without her.

Nikola Boskovski

Cover Designer & Illustrations

Nikola (Nik) has been with the Ultimate 48 Hour Author team since we started the retreat program. Natasa originally hired him to work on her first book cover for the actual Ultimate 48 Hour Author book, and the rest was history. Nik has been supporting the business and its authors’ ever since.

Nik is located in Skopje, Macedonia and runs Flafi Design as well as a printing company he just took over from his father. He is very patient, highly professional and easy to work with. Our authors love engaging Nik for further work once they get to know him through the design of their book cover.

Some other projects that he designs over and above book covers are pull up banners, logos, business cards, branded table cloths, book marks and he can easily supply printing of these items directly to the authors. Nik also has a team of illustrators that we use for children’s books illustrations. To date he has designed over 1000 book covers for us.

Velin Saramov

Layout Designer

Velin joined the Ultimate 48 Hour Author team in 2018 and quickly became our in-house layout graphic designer. He is located in Bulgaria. He started his graphic design career in 2001 designing books and covers for a local Greek publishing house. After that he worked for a travel magazine, a German newspaper, and in 2008 he started working on his own for local and international clients.

He has laid out over 500 books for Ultimate 48 Hour Author. He has a diploma in computer science, where he started his publishing education by using the best design software at the time. Later, he completed a Bachelor degree in Physics and Mathematics that taught him a methodical way of working and managing projects with great attention to detail delivering high quality end products.

Velin is very patient and always looks to give each of our author’s book its own unique look and feel. He works alongside Nik ensuring the internals match to the book cover and his quality of book layout design is at the level of traditional publishers. Every book Velin has designed looks like it belongs in a book store.

Trajche Kocev

Copywriter and Automation Specialist

Trajche joined Ultimate 48 Hour Author in 2022 after his cold emails got Natasa’s attention.

He’s located in a small town in North Macedonia called Negotino and he’s been doing copywriting and marketing since February 2020.

Since then, he has worked with 6 & 7-figure entrepreneurs and also writes emails for a blog with over 12,000,000 monthly visitors.

Trajche’s is very calm, thoughtful, and he’s always willing to help as much as he can.

He’s our automation genius and if you receive an email that you aren’t supposed to receive, he’s the one to blame.